Power kvinder aug2013

Power kvinder

PowerKvinder! – når kunst flytter grænser
Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, duoen Randi & Katrine, Simone Aaberg Kærn og Kirsten Justesen
Særudstillingen byder på viltre, vilde og livsglade kvindelige kunstnere med Power gennem 150 år. Disse kunstnere har markeret sig både kunstnerisk og i samfundsdebatten og derfor kan deres kunst inspirere os. Udstillingen viser, hvordan kvindelige kunstnere har bidraget til udvikling af nye former for billedsprog, og samtidig søgt efter sammenhæng mellem deres kvindelige verden, identitet og samfund.

Forholdet mellem køn, identitet og kunst er til evig debat – kom og oplev hvordan fire kvindelige samtidskunstnere: Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, duoen Randi & Katrine, Simone Aaberg Kærn og Kirsten Justesen – går i dialog med museets egen samling af kvindelige kunstnere.

Med særudstillingen vil kunstmuseet gerne præsentere kvindelige kunstneres gennemslagskraft og evne til gennem kunstens udtryk – at flytte på vedtagne grænser.

AROS jul2009


Fly performance, udført af Simone Aaberg Kærn og Århus politi fra domhuset til AROS.

ARoS Kunstmuseum jul2009

ARoS Kunstmuseum

ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum havde fornøjelsen at præsentere en spektakulær installation, som tidligere gennembrød luftrummet over os og lagde hundredvis af kilometer bag sig. Der er tale om ophængningen af det 6 meter lange og 9 meter brede Piper Colt propelfly, som er hovedværket i sensommerens eventyrlige udstilling OPEN SKY.

Som en slags ready-made hænges det mere end 40 år gamle lærredsklædte veteranfly op i Museumsgaden som et vidnesbyrd om en farefuld rejse fra Lille Skensved ved København til Kabul i det krigshærgede Afghanistan. En rute tilbagelagt af den danske pilot og kunstner Simone Aaberg Kærn, som imod alle odds og med livet som indsats fløj de mere end 6000 km i det lille en-motors propelfly fra 1961. En dramatisk flyvetur hvori indgik såvel ulovlig indtrængen i det amerikanske luftkrigsterritorium som en besejring af bjergtinden Hindukush.

Kunstmuseum Thun apr2008

Kunstmuseum Thun

Open Sky at Kunstmuseum Thun- Curated by Helen Hirsh
April 19 – June 15, 2008

Simone Aaberg Kærn (born in 1969 in Copenhagen) picks out the dream of flying as the central theme in her works and broaches the role of women in flying. With various media like photography, video and object art, she deals with the social, historical and political dimensions of aviation and joins them together in installations in the exhibition room.
In the process, the thoughts of unbound freedom in the open sky that is associated with flying is a recurring theme in the oeuvre of Aaberg Kærn. In 2002, the artist and trained pilot flew in her small plane from Copenhagen over the Hindukush to Kabul to realise the dream of flying of an Afghani girl – an event that became an adventurous and risky journey interlinked with all the hurdles of today’s civil aviation. Also, the motif of the woman in the male-dominated aviation is perceived in many of her works. Specially for the exhibition at Kunstmuseum Thun, her first solo exhibition in Switzerland, she has added the portrait of Swiss women military pilots to her work with American and Russian women military pilots of the Second World War, Afghani women helicopter pilots and Turkish women fighter pilots.
Sky and space are playing fields for power and politics, but they are also equally the place of freedom and self-realisation.


3 channel Video installation with sound, made from the original research material to SISTERS IN THE SKY- paintings. Recordings from visit to MOSCOV 1996 and Archive footage.
Was displayed at OPEN SKY malmø Konsthall and OPEN SKY Kunstmuseum Thun.



Sisters in the Sky
45 painted portraits of female Pilots on Active Service during World War II…installed with sound.
World War II was the first war in which air power played a decisive role. However, it was not the first time women served as combat pilots. World War I saw the first aerial combat, and among the pilots there were a few women.
After World War I, it was clear that aviation had developed from a mere sport to a factor of definite social importance both in civilian life and in the armed forces.
The new possibilities in aviation seemed unlimited. And in the late 1930s young people all over the world flocked to the flying schools, where they were trained under programs often subsidized by the government.
This exhibit shows a small selection of the women who flew during World War II.